UTAC 筑波大学アート・コレクション選 2024-1
あかえだ いづみ『ミコばあちゃん』絵本原画展
Selected Works from UTAC 2024-1
Original Prints for Picture Book, Akaeda Izumi, Miko-Bāchan



入館無料/09:00→17:00/土・日・祝休日 休館
[主催]筑波大学 芸術系
[お問い合わせ]筑波大学芸術系社会貢献推進室 sct@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp

April 1 – May 30, 2024

UT Institute of Art & Design Gallery
Admission Free
Closed: Sat, Sun, and Public Holidays


倉持 いづみ《ミコばあちゃん》2019年、ドライポイント・モノタイプ・手彩色、30.0×42.0cm(15点)、平成30年度筑波大学芸術賞(卒業研究)

KURAMOCHI Izumi, Miko-Bāchan, 2019, drypoint and monotype with hand-coloring
Grand Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate School of Art and Design, FY2018

倉持 いづみ《透明なとき》2019年、モノタイプ、105.0×70.0㎝、平成30年度筑波大学芸術賞(卒業研究)
KURAMOCHI Izumi, Transparent Time, 2019, monotype,
Grand Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate School of Art and Design, FY2018


UTAC, University of Tsukuba Art Collection, consists of approximately 600 artworks of faculty members and alums and another 200 pieces, the Ishii Collection (100 eastern ceramics and 100 modern paintings and works on paper, donated by Mr. Ishii Akira). The distinctive feature of this collection is that we purchase artworks that have received the first prize (Grand Prize for Outstanding Achievement) and the second prize (Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement) from the degree shows both Master’s Program in Art and Design and Undergraduate School of Art and Design, every year.
This exhibition exhibits prints by Kuramochi Izumi, purchased as the Grand Prize for graduation work in FY2018. Miko-Bāchan was published as a picture book in January of this year. (Akaeda Izumi, Miko-Bāchan, Nihon Hyōjyun, 2024).





入館無料/09:00→17:00/土・日・祝休日 休館
[主催]筑波大学 芸術系
[お問い合わせ]筑波大学芸術系社会貢献推進室  sct@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp

December 5, 2023- March 28, 2024

UT Institute of Art & Design Gallery
Admission Free
Closed: Sat, Sun, and Public Holidays


岩佐 徹《水たまり》 2005年 板目木版 60.0×91.0cm
IWASA Toru, Puddle, 2005, wood engraving, 60.0×91.0cm
Gift of the Artist (FY2007)

市川 絢菜《ホテルの木》 2020年 アクリル、カンヴァス  162.0×130.0cm
ICHIKAWA Ayana, Trees Growing at the Hotel, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 162.0×130.0cm
Gift of the Artist (FY2022)*Recent Acquisition

市川 絢菜《Palm Tree and Tower》 2021年 木版,シルクスクリーン 121.0×91.0cm
ICHIKAWA Ayana, Palm Tree and Tower, 2021, woodcut, silkscreen, 121.0×91.0cm
Gift of the Artist (FY2022)*Recent Acquisition

城山 萌々《NOVA》 2010年 リトグラフ 89.0×65.0cm
SHIROYAMA Momo, NOVA, 2010, lithograph, 89.0×65.0cm
Gift of the Artist (FY2013)

小野 修平《彼岸秘行の夜》 2015年 エッチング・アクアチント・ソフトグランド  60.6×90.0cm
ONO Shuhei, Secret Parallel Autumun Night, 2015, etching, aquatint and softground, 60.6×90.0cm
Gift of the Artist (FY2017)

小野 修平《城が見える夜》 2017年 エッチング・アクアチント・ソフトグランド  60.6×90.0cm
ONO Shuhei, A Castle Appears at Night, 2017, etching, aquatint and softground, 60.6×90.0cm
Gift of the Artist (FY2017)



UTAC, University of Tsukuba Art Collection, consists of approximately 600 artworks of faculty members and alums and another 200 pieces, the Ishii Collection (100 eastern ceramics and 100 modern paintings and works on paper, donated by Mr. Ishii Akira). The distinctive feature of this collection is that we purchase artworks that have received the first prize (Grand Prize for Outstanding Achievement) and the second prize (Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement) from the degree shows both Master’s Program in Art and Design and Undergraduate School of Art and Design, every year. Additionally, this collection has received many donations from retired faculty members and artists associated with the university. This exhibition will feature six works by currently active artists who have worked as researchers in the past, with a focus on newly acquired works donated last year.
























Selected Works from the Ishii Collection,

University of Tsukuba Art Collection

EI-KYU: Midday Dream


October 4 through October 27, 2023

Art Space, University Hall, University of Tsukuba

9:00-17:00, Closed on Sat, Sun, and National Holiday

Organized by Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba














in homage to plaster casts: a heritage of the tokyo higher normal school.

Selected Work from the University of Tsukuba Art Collection. 2023-II.

New Acquisition 2022: Kikuchi Plaster Casting Workshop, Farnese Hercules


August 01 – November 30, 2023

UT Institute of Art & Design Gallery


Admission Free

Sat., Sun., Public Holidays Closed

Organized by Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba


The 5C Building is the earliest building completed on the Tsukuba Campus of the university, which celebrates its half-century anniversary this year. Located on the west half of the ground floor of the 1970s Japanese modernist building, the “Grand Cast Court” still retains the legacy of traditional art academism that pulsated through the pre-modern, modern, and post-modern periods.

In February of this year, an old reproductive plaster cast was found in the Grand Cast Court, no longer used as educational material for dessin, covered in charcoal powder and dust. The approximately 70-centimeter-high statue is a reduced reproduction of the famous Farnese Hercules (early 3rd century, 3.17 m high) from the Naples National Archaeological Museum collection. Although it has lost its right arm and parts of the left finger, the small metal plate on the back of the plinth reveals that it is the product of the Kikuchi Plaster Casting Workshop, founded in 1903 by Kikuchi Totaro, the first student of Sculpture Department of the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Considering that the workshop was active only during Kikuchi’s lifetime, it is possible that the statue was acquired at the time of the Tokyo Higher Normal School and even escaped the ravages of the Tokyo Air Raid that destroyed the Otsuka School Building (now the Tokyo Campus).

Since the 17th century, plaster casts based on ancient and early modern sculpture have gradually developed in Western Europe as educational materials for dessin, objects to be appreciated and collected, and resources for research in art history and classical archaeology. Though they became rapidly neglected in the West after the modern era, destroyed and abandoned even, they have gained a new role as academic resources through their revalorization in art history and museum studies since the 1980s.

In Japan, plaster casts had spread exclusively as educational materials for dessin since the Meiji era when they were transplanted along with the Western institution of art. While they steadfastly became popular in entrance examinations and studio works at art schools in the post-war period, by the end of the 20th century, they had lost their original role and retreated from the center stage.

Plaster cast, which reproduces the original sculpture, may be a mirror that reflects the hierarchizing modern Western values, distinguishing original and copy, artwork and non-artwork. However, looking at plaster casts in Japan from a non-Western perspective, we may see an active, pluralistic manifestation of non-Westernization rather than a passive, centralized Westernization. This exhibition, entitled “in homage to plaster casts,” will be an opportunity to pay honor to a forgotten plaster cast and to reconsider the past and future of our unique education and research in Art and Design, which has been fostered through the Tokyo Higher Normal School and the Tokyo University of Education.



筑波大学 大学会館アートスペース


美術鑑賞をするとき、作品のみを見る人、作品を見てからタイトルを読む人、タイトルと解説文を読んでから作品をじっくり見る人など、情報を得る順序は鑑賞者によってさまざまですが、 鑑賞の手がかりとして 「タイトル」を確認することが多いのではないでしょうか。タイトルは作品につけられた固有の名前であり、鑑賞者が作品の主題や作者の意図を読み解く上で重要な情報を提供する存在でもあります。本展示では、美術作品とそのタイトルの関係に焦点をあてています。 タイトルの付けられ方によりそれぞれがどのような印象を作品にもたらし、どのように鑑賞に影響するかについて再考する機会を提供します。

When people appreciate art, the order of access to information accompanying the artwork differs for each viewer. Some people look at the work only, some read the title after looking at the work, and some read the title and explanatory text before taking a closer look at the work. In particular, you may often check the “title” as a clue to appreciation. The title is the unique name given to the creation. It is a clue that provides essential information to the viewer in deciphering the work’s subject matter and the artist’s intent. This exhibition focuses on the relationship between the artwork and its title. It provides an opportunity to reconsider the title’s impression on the viewer and how it affects viewing behavior.


出品作品 / exhibited works

・渡辺晃一《馬・ウマ・うま・UMA》1995年  油彩、石膏・パネル 180×230㎝

KOICHI Watanabe《A HORSE/a horse /horse /HoRsE》1995 oil on panel with plaster

本作は、基底となる大パネルの上に、四分割状に小パネルを配し、各パネルにはモチーフとして動物の「うま」の頭部がそれぞれ異なる手法で表現される。作品タイトルにある「馬・ウマ・うま・ UMA」の4語は、漢字、カタカナ、ひらがな、ローマ字表記の字面から得られるイメージと画中のモチーフの表現が相互にリンクしていると考えられる。そうなると、「馬」が左方上部、「ウマ」が左方下部、「うま」が右方上部、「UMA」が右方下部にそれぞれ相当しそうだ。この場合、漢字、カタカナ、ひらがな、の表記順に作品パネルを見ていくと、徐々にモチーフの存在が曖昧になってゆき、最終的にローマ字の「UMA」に至ると灰色のモノトーンを基調とした「リトル・グレイ」を彷彿とする「UMA(未確認動物)」となり、全く本質が変わってしまうのがおもしろい。皆さんは四つの表記がどのパネルに対応すると考えるだろうか。


・福山菜穂子《ある日のこと》2013年  陶、ガラス

FUKUYAMA Naoko《One day》2013 ceramic, glass

ティーカップ、水差し、トレー。日常使いの何気ない陶器かと思いきや、近づいて目を凝らすとそこには…。カップには小さな窓が並び、玄関らしき入口があり、上階へと続く階段がある。まるで小さな妖精が住んでいるかのようだ。水差しの口からは雲がわき雨の滴が落ちる。トレーには水が蓄えられ、プールのようだ。梯子が見えるから21世紀美術館のスイミング・プールか?(違う) 福田菜穂子の陶器作品には用途を超えた形がある。それは、小さな異世界の入り口のようでもある。ちょっとした遊び心で、日常の一瞬をどこか遠くに飛ばすマジック。使い手の想像力で器を組み合わせれば物語性のある風景も出現しそうだ。お茶を飲む、食事をとるといった日常のシーンが突如リアリティを失って、ファンタジーに変わる。そんな意外な転換が、福田の器の魅力とも言えるだろう。そういえば、おとぎ話の書き出しはどんな言葉から始まっていたか、覚えてる?


・西村昭二郎《風ひかる》1977年  紙本着色 91×72.8㎝

NISHIMURA Shojiro《Spring Breeze》1977 mineral pigment, water dried paint, india ink, gold paint and glue on hemp paper



・吉野純《失楽園》1993年 油彩、カンヴァス

YOSHINO Jun《Paradise Lost》1993 oil on canvas 181.8×227.3㎝



・藤田志朗《風の行方—海》1998年 紙本着色

FUJIITA Shiro《Where the Wind Goes – Sea》1998 mineral pigment on hemp paper 181.8×227.3㎝



・内田雅三《Hiroshima-90》1990年 油彩、ミクストメディア

UCHIDA Gazo《Hiroshima-90 》1990 oil on mixed media in panel 162.1×227.3㎝



本展覧会の企画について / About the Exhibition’s Program


This exhibition is an achievement of practical museological training. The University of Tsukuba has more than 400 artworks given by faculty members and alumni and purchased from awarded students. Each year, students have organized small exhibitions utilizing this on-campus collection. The planner’s competence is revealed in the context in which the collection, which forms the museum’s core, is to be presented to the viewer with an eye on social situation. This year’s exhibition focused on the “title” and questioned the correlation between the artist and the work, and between the museum and the visitors. We would be grateful if the viewers could enjoy the first exhibition of the students who aim to be curators. (Course Instructor)


博物館実習2023 芸術系受講者一覧

石船初佳、伊藤紬、江原実祝、遠藤花耶、大石彩乃、奥田琉花、木内英実、笹川元康、竹畠薫、田良島津、永井風花、中谷直子、樋口幸ナギーナ、鶸田佐季、藤井椋子、古瀨秀明、宝田紗和子、三橋美音、和田祐香、渡邉結貴 (五十音順)




Tell’em I TriedGary Mcleod & others

筑波大学会館アートスペース Tsukuba university Art Space


Performance time:火・金 12:00~12:10







Curation : Joan Zhang

Poster Design : Dolgion Ganbayar



About Gary McLeod & Others: Gary McLeod is a visual researcher from the UK who uses photography to learn about places. He is an assistant professor in visual communication design at University of Tsukuba in Ibaraki prefecture where he teaches photomedia. ‘Others’ refers to people and things that have contributed to Gary’s learning process either practically or otherwise, but it also refers to the conversations yet to be had with you.

ギャリー マクラウド&アザーズは、フォトグラフィを用いて様々な場所について学習するビジュアルリサーチャーです。茨城県の筑波大学にて、ビジュアルデザイン分野の助教としてフォトメディアを教えています。「アザーズ」とは、プロジェクトに参加ないしは他の形で貢献をして下さった人々や、物事を意味しています。

展示ステートメント・Exhibition Statement

Since 2019 I have been making trips to Iwate prefecture to rephotograph changes in the landscape. It started with Kamaishi and Ofunato in November 2019, followed by Kuji, Tanohata, Taro and Miyako at the end of that year, then Rikuzentakata and Kamaishi again in February 2020, Kamaishi and Ofunato in March 2020 just before pandemic measures kicked in, Kamaishi again with students in November 2020 with a short trip to Ofunato, followed by a longer visit to Kamaishi in March 2021, another in July when the delayed Olympics began, another with students in September, and another trip at the end of the year combined with Ofunato. These were followed by an exhibition in Kamaishi in March 2022, trips to Ichinoseki, Ohara, Oshu and Tono with students in July, further trips to Kitakami, Ohara, Orikabe, and Ichinoseki again in September, and two trips to Kamaishi in the autumn of 2022. Trips to Tono and Hanamaki in the February snow of 2023 were followed by a road trip stopping overnight at Kuji, Tanohata and Miyako in March, and a second exhibition in Kamaishi a week later, and then returning trips to Kitakami, Oshu, Ohara, Orikabe, Tono and Hanamaki at the end of May. 

Listing places was necessary so that you know them, will think about them, and perhaps even remember them if you have visited them before. This exhibition is not about comparing these places; rather it is about photomediated representations of change in these places. Specifically, the exhibition is an entry point into the kinds of change that are necessary or hoped for. These are not concrete assumptions but uncertain observations, ever aware of the fragility of photomedia and its need for belief. Regardless of opinions about change, this is a landscape that is and will continue to be associated with disaster and recovery, sea walls and rocky shores, depopulation and migration, and as a ‘playground’ for photographers and scientists alike. The title of the exhibition is “Tell ‘em I tried”, a casual British shortening of “Tell them I tried”, but I’m not telling you who “them” are. Nor am I asking you to work it out on your own. Rather, I present you a sort of map for orientation. After all, that is what photographs are but have cease to become.


その場所を知り、その場所について考え、または以前に訪れた人がいれば、思い出すかもしれない。そのために、場所を列挙することは必要だ。今回の展示は、これらの場所を比較するつもりではなく、これらの場所の変化をフォトメディアで表現することを試みる。この展示は、どのような変化が必要なのか、あるいはどのような変化が望まれるのかを考えるための入口となる。これは具体的な仮説ではなく、不確かな観察であり、フォトメディアのもろさや信念の必要性を常に意識している。これらのランドスケープ写真は、変化についての理解にかかわらず、災害と復興、防波堤と岩場、過疎と移住、そして撮影者と科学者の「遊園地」として展示されている。展示のタイトルは「Tell ‘em I tried」で、「Tell them I tried」を簡略化したものが、「them」が誰なのかを教えているわけでもなく、鑑賞者たちに考えさせるわけでもない。むしろ、方向づけのための地図のようなものを提示する。それが写真であり、写真でなくなってしまったものでもある。



We are releasing the newest exhibition schedule for the UT Art Street.



筑波大学アート・コレクション選 2023-1



2023年4月11日(火)- 7月27日(木)


入館無料/09:00→17:00/土・日・祝休日 休館
[主催]筑波大学 芸術系
[お問い合わせ]筑波大学芸術系社会貢献推進室  sct@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp

University of Tsukuba Art Collection
Selected Works 2023-1
Works from the Alumni Association’s Prize

April 11- July 27, 2023

UT Institute of Art & Design Gallery
Admission Free
Closed: Sat, Sun, and Public Holidays


森本真依子《Winsomely》2007年 油彩、綿布 227.3×363.6 cm
MORIMOTO Maiko, Winsomely, 2007, oil on cotton cloth 227.3×363.6 cm
Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement in Undergraduate School of Art and Design, 2006

河原由佳《アトリエ》2017年 油彩・マーカー、綿布 194.0×260.6 cm
KAWAHARA  Yuka, Atelier, 2017, oil and marker pen on cotton cloth 194.0×260.6 cm
Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement in Undergraduate School of Art and Design, 2016

馬場洋《風紋》2008年 油彩・テンペラ、白亜地・綿布 194.0×259.0 cm
BABA  Hiroshi, Wind Ripples, 2008, oil and tempera, chalk ground on cotton cloth 194.0×259.0 cm
Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement Master’s Program in Art and Design, 2008


UTAC, University of Tsukuba Art Collection, consists of some 600 artworks of faculty members and alums and another 200 pieces, the Ishii Collection (100 eastern ceramics and 100 modern paintings and works on paper, donated by Mr. Ishii Akira). The most distinctive feature of this collection is that we purchase artworks that have received the first prize (Grand Prize for Outstanding Achievement) and the second prize (Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement) from the degree shows both Master’s Program in Art and Design and Undergraduate School of Art and Design, every year. In this exhibition, we will introduce three selected pieces from the second prize (Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement) winning works.








本展示は令和4年度 筑波大学人間総合科学学術院・研究科戦略プロジェクト採択課題「東アジアにおける漆文化交流の推進とその継続的支援体制の構築」の成果発表の一部です。 





入館無料/09:00→17:00/土・日・祝休日 休館
[主催]筑波大学 芸術系
[お問い合わせ]筑波大学芸術系 川島史也 kawashima.fumiya.gu@u.tsukuba.ac.jp 



川村さやか / Sayaka Kawamura 《北の文様》/《Northern Pattern》 2013, 砥の粉麻布卵殻 / Lacquer, Polishing powder, Hemp cloth, Eggshell, 210×170×70.0 cm, 平成24年度(2012年度)茗渓会賞(修了研究) 

長内夏希 / Natsuki Osanai  《りんごは落ちる》/《An apple is falling》 2014, 砥の粉麻布 / Lacquer, Polishing powder, Hemp cloth, Wood, Iron, 106×89.0×122 cm  

飯島聡惠 / Stoe Iijima 《黄色いゼラニウムの咲く場所で》/《The Place Where Yellow Geraniums Bloom》 2015, 砥の粉麻布顔料 / Lacquer, Polishing powder, Hemp cloth, Pigments, 135×320×60.0 cm, 平成26年度(2014年度)筑波大学芸術賞(修了研究) 

宮田岳 / Gaku Miyata 《天を仰ぐ円》/《Circles Catch the Heavens》 

2017, ユリノキスギ / Liriodendron, Cedar, Japanese lacquer, 160×500×240 cm, 平成28年度(2016年度)筑波大学芸術賞(修了研究) 

小谷恵子 / Keiko Kodani 《記憶》/《Memory》 2017, 漆、カツラスタイロフォーム / Lacquer, Katsura, Styrofoam, 80.0×120×70.0 cm, 平成28年度(2016年度)茗渓会賞(卒業研究)