in homage to plaster casts: a heritage of the tokyo higher normal school.
Selected Work from the University of Tsukuba Art Collection. 2023-II.
New Acquisition 2022: Kikuchi Plaster Casting Workshop, Farnese Hercules
August 01 – November 30, 2023
UT Institute of Art & Design Gallery
Admission Free
Sat., Sun., Public Holidays Closed
Organized by Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
The 5C Building is the earliest building completed on the Tsukuba Campus of the university, which celebrates its half-century anniversary this year. Located on the west half of the ground floor of the 1970s Japanese modernist building, the “Grand Cast Court” still retains the legacy of traditional art academism that pulsated through the pre-modern, modern, and post-modern periods.
In February of this year, an old reproductive plaster cast was found in the Grand Cast Court, no longer used as educational material for dessin, covered in charcoal powder and dust. The approximately 70-centimeter-high statue is a reduced reproduction of the famous Farnese Hercules (early 3rd century, 3.17 m high) from the Naples National Archaeological Museum collection. Although it has lost its right arm and parts of the left finger, the small metal plate on the back of the plinth reveals that it is the product of the Kikuchi Plaster Casting Workshop, founded in 1903 by Kikuchi Totaro, the first student of Sculpture Department of the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Considering that the workshop was active only during Kikuchi’s lifetime, it is possible that the statue was acquired at the time of the Tokyo Higher Normal School and even escaped the ravages of the Tokyo Air Raid that destroyed the Otsuka School Building (now the Tokyo Campus).
Since the 17th century, plaster casts based on ancient and early modern sculpture have gradually developed in Western Europe as educational materials for dessin, objects to be appreciated and collected, and resources for research in art history and classical archaeology. Though they became rapidly neglected in the West after the modern era, destroyed and abandoned even, they have gained a new role as academic resources through their revalorization in art history and museum studies since the 1980s.
In Japan, plaster casts had spread exclusively as educational materials for dessin since the Meiji era when they were transplanted along with the Western institution of art. While they steadfastly became popular in entrance examinations and studio works at art schools in the post-war period, by the end of the 20th century, they had lost their original role and retreated from the center stage.
Plaster cast, which reproduces the original sculpture, may be a mirror that reflects the hierarchizing modern Western values, distinguishing original and copy, artwork and non-artwork. However, looking at plaster casts in Japan from a non-Western perspective, we may see an active, pluralistic manifestation of non-Westernization rather than a passive, centralized Westernization. This exhibition, entitled “in homage to plaster casts,” will be an opportunity to pay honor to a forgotten plaster cast and to reconsider the past and future of our unique education and research in Art and Design, which has been fostered through the Tokyo Higher Normal School and the Tokyo University of Education.