UTAC 筑波大学アート・コレクション選 2024-3
UTAC 筑波大学アート・コレクション選 2024-3
Selected Works from UTAC 2024-3
入館無料/09:00→17:00/土・日・祝休日 休館
[主催]筑波大学 芸術系
[お問い合わせ]筑波大学芸術系社会貢献推進室 sct@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp
December 2, 2024 – March 7, 2025
UT Institute of Art & Design Gallery
Admission Free
Closed: Sat, Sun, and Public Holidays
池宮城 友子《麗(うらら)》1995年、紙本着色 162.1×130.3 cm 平成9年度作者寄贈
IKEMIYAGI Tomoko, URARA(Brightness), 1995, color on paper, 162.1×130.3 Gift of the Artist(1997)
小林 宏《水の音 乾きの詩》1996年、麻布着色 116.7×90.9 cm 平成9年度作者寄贈
KOBAYASHI Hiroshi, The Sound of Water, the Poetry of Dryness, 1996, color on linen, 116.7×90.9 cmGift of the Artist(1997)
桜井 淑子《食事の後》1964年、油彩、カンヴァス 130.3×162.2 cm 平成9年度作者寄贈
SAKURAI Yoshiko, After the Meal, 1964, oil on canvas, 130.3×162.2 cm Gift of the Artist(1997)
桜井 寛《私の朝食》1989年、油彩、カンヴァス 162.2×193.9 cm 平成9年度作者寄贈
SAKURAI Hiroshi, My Breakfast, 1989, oil on canvas, 162.2×193.9 cm Gift of the Artist(1997)
UTAC, University of Tsukuba Art Collection, consists of approximately 600 artworks of faculty members and alums and another 200 pieces, the Ishii Collection (100 eastern ceramics and 100 modern paintings and works on paper, donated by Mr. Ishii Akira). The distinctive feature of this collection is that we purchase artworks that have received the first prize (Grand Prize for Outstanding Achievement) and the second prize (Alumni Association’s Prize for Achievement) from the degree shows both Master’s Program in Art and Design and Undergraduate School of Art and Design, every year.