Exhibition period: March 2023 – March 2024
Location: Tsukuba Center area, Tsukuba Museum of Art, Tsukuba Capio, Takezono Park, Along pedestrian deck
Organized by Institute of Art & Design, University of Tsukuba
NONAKA Katsutoshi Dean of Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
SUGANO Keisuke Asst. Professor, Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
Logo Design:
KIUCHI Hanami School of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
筑波芸術アート&デザイン・ストリート2023 記録冊子
Art & Design Street by University of Tsukuba 2023 Archive Booklet
記録冊子閲覧サイト Archive Booklet Site
展示作品 Works
アート & デザイン・ストリートフラッグ Art & Design Street Flag
フレスコ・リング Fresco Ring
染めて・描いて・つくばをつなげる Dye, Draw and Connect Tsukuba
蝋型鋳造に導かれたカタチ −ブロンズによる彫刻展示− Lost-Wax Casting -Bronze Sculptures-
街路樹に生息し風と生きる怪獣 Monsters that live in roadside trees and live with wind
ちいさなアニマル展 Tiny Animals Exhibition
サンバーン Sun Burn
石ならではの形の魅力 −石材による彫刻展示− Attractiveness of the unique forms of stone -Exhibition of stone sculptures-
土と火から生まれた動物たち −テラコッタによる彫刻展示− Animal Sculptures Created from Clay and Fire
樹木アート:樹に書く、木に刷る Tree Art : Write on trees, print on trees
トゥギャザー Together
暮らしの道具:ほうきをつくろうプロジェクト Tool of Life : Let’s make a broom project
はにかむペデストリアン Honeycomb Pedestrian
On October 1, 2023, University of Tsukuba celebrated its 50th anniversary. To commemorate this occasion, the faculty organization involved in the art and design, Institute of Art and Design, has planned a project to publicize the achievements of education and research to society broadly. This is a project to install and exhibit art and design works in the Tsukuba Center area and along the 1 km pedestrian deck from the Tsukuba Museum of Art to Tsukuba International Congress Center. The achievements of our institute were presented broadly to the citizens of City of Tsukuba as well as to visitors.
Based on the backdrop of the 50th anniversary of the university, faculty and students created new works of art and design, subject to the location where they would be installed and displayed. We envisioned that visitors would not only appreciate the outdoor exhibit as a work of art and design, but also touch it and participate in it. It is an opportunity to practice, oriented toward the expansion of artistic expression through flexible ideas, while ensuring safety. We want to create a wide variety of artworks in places where people can see them on a daily basis, and at the same time, we want to energize the Tsukuba Center area with the power of art and design.
We planned to create a diverse and changing cityscape by sequentially adding and replacing artworks over a six-month period beginning in March 2023. The planned artworks were all arranged in September. We also held a workshop for families in City of Tsukuba to participate in the creation of artworks.The 50th anniversary ceremony held on September 30 at the Tsukuba International Congress Center attracted many visitors from Japan and abroad. We were pleased to welcome them with art and design works installed and displayed on the pedestrian deck.
Many of the research fields involved in this project are creating works to be exhibited indoors, such as in a museum. In this project, some research fields were challenging, so to speak, because their works were installed outdoors where they would be seen by many people. In this sense, it is a new practice of extended artistic expression.
Many people who do not usually encounter such works of art and design commented that they felt a fresh impression from the daily exposure and the color added to the fixed and artificial space of the Tsukuba Center area.
Although discussions with the relevant departments of Tsukuba City were extensive since it was to be installed in a public space, we were able to proceed smoothly with their understanding of the purpose of this project. In particular, I would like to thank the staff of the Culture and Arts Division for their tireless efforts in serving as the contact point for this project. I would like to express my gratitude to all those involved.
With this project as a starting point, we would like to take various opportunities to present the results of our education and research widely. We would be grateful for your continued advice and support.
Dean of Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba
NONAKA Katsutoshi