筑波大学会館アートスペース展示 Tell’em I Tried Gary Mcleod & others
Tell’em I TriedGary Mcleod & others
筑波大学会館アートスペース Tsukuba university Art Space
Performance time:火・金 12:00~12:10
Curation : Joan Zhang
Poster Design : Dolgion Ganbayar
About Gary McLeod & Others: Gary McLeod is a visual researcher from the UK who uses photography to learn about places. He is an assistant professor in visual communication design at University of Tsukuba in Ibaraki prefecture where he teaches photomedia. ‘Others’ refers to people and things that have contributed to Gary’s learning process either practically or otherwise, but it also refers to the conversations yet to be had with you.
ギャリー マクラウド&アザーズは、フォトグラフィを用いて様々な場所について学習するビジュアルリサーチャーです。茨城県の筑波大学にて、ビジュアルデザイン分野の助教としてフォトメディアを教えています。「アザーズ」とは、プロジェクトに参加ないしは他の形で貢献をして下さった人々や、物事を意味しています。
展示ステートメント・Exhibition Statement
Since 2019 I have been making trips to Iwate prefecture to rephotograph changes in the landscape. It started with Kamaishi and Ofunato in November 2019, followed by Kuji, Tanohata, Taro and Miyako at the end of that year, then Rikuzentakata and Kamaishi again in February 2020, Kamaishi and Ofunato in March 2020 just before pandemic measures kicked in, Kamaishi again with students in November 2020 with a short trip to Ofunato, followed by a longer visit to Kamaishi in March 2021, another in July when the delayed Olympics began, another with students in September, and another trip at the end of the year combined with Ofunato. These were followed by an exhibition in Kamaishi in March 2022, trips to Ichinoseki, Ohara, Oshu and Tono with students in July, further trips to Kitakami, Ohara, Orikabe, and Ichinoseki again in September, and two trips to Kamaishi in the autumn of 2022. Trips to Tono and Hanamaki in the February snow of 2023 were followed by a road trip stopping overnight at Kuji, Tanohata and Miyako in March, and a second exhibition in Kamaishi a week later, and then returning trips to Kitakami, Oshu, Ohara, Orikabe, Tono and Hanamaki at the end of May.
Listing places was necessary so that you know them, will think about them, and perhaps even remember them if you have visited them before. This exhibition is not about comparing these places; rather it is about photomediated representations of change in these places. Specifically, the exhibition is an entry point into the kinds of change that are necessary or hoped for. These are not concrete assumptions but uncertain observations, ever aware of the fragility of photomedia and its need for belief. Regardless of opinions about change, this is a landscape that is and will continue to be associated with disaster and recovery, sea walls and rocky shores, depopulation and migration, and as a ‘playground’ for photographers and scientists alike. The title of the exhibition is “Tell ‘em I tried”, a casual British shortening of “Tell them I tried”, but I’m not telling you who “them” are. Nor am I asking you to work it out on your own. Rather, I present you a sort of map for orientation. After all, that is what photographs are but have cease to become.
その場所を知り、その場所について考え、または以前に訪れた人がいれば、思い出すかもしれない。そのために、場所を列挙することは必要だ。今回の展示は、これらの場所を比較するつもりではなく、これらの場所の変化をフォトメディアで表現することを試みる。この展示は、どのような変化が必要なのか、あるいはどのような変化が望まれるのかを考えるための入口となる。これは具体的な仮説ではなく、不確かな観察であり、フォトメディアのもろさや信念の必要性を常に意識している。これらのランドスケープ写真は、変化についての理解にかかわらず、災害と復興、防波堤と岩場、過疎と移住、そして撮影者と科学者の「遊園地」として展示されている。展示のタイトルは「Tell ‘em I tried」で、「Tell them I tried」を簡略化したものが、「them」が誰なのかを教えているわけでもなく、鑑賞者たちに考えさせるわけでもない。むしろ、方向づけのための地図のようなものを提示する。それが写真であり、写真でなくなってしまったものでもある。